Streamlining See Tickets' Checkout Process


Product Design


I played a pivotal role in optimizing See Tickets' checkout process, reducing it from 12 taps to just 3 taps. This transformation was achieved by incorporating third-party mobile payment technologies and introducing a guest checkout option, significantly improving the overall user experience and conversion rates.

The Problem

See Tickets, a prominent ticket-selling platform, was facing a significant challenge with its existing checkout process. Users had to navigate through a cumbersome and time-consuming 12-step process to purchase tickets, resulting in high cart abandonment rates and frustration among users. The company approached my team at Wonderful to find a solution that would streamline the checkout process while maintaining security and data integrity.

Understanding User Pain Points

To tackle this challenge effectively, I began by conducting user research and analyzing the existing checkout process. I identified several pain points that users were experiencing:

  1. Lengthy process: Users found the 12-step checkout process overwhelming and time-consuming.
  2. User account requirement: Seetickets mandated users to create an account, which deterred many potential customers.
  3. Payment friction: The existing payment methods were not user-friendly, especially on mobile devices.

The Solution

To address these issues and optimize the checkout process, I proposed a multi-faceted solution:

  1. Integration of Third-party Mobile Payment Technologies: I recommended incorporating popular mobile payment platforms like Apple Pay and Google Pay into the checkout process. This allowed users to complete payments quickly with just a few taps, significantly reducing the friction associated with payment.
  2. Guest Checkout Option: To cater to users who were hesitant to create an account, I introduced a guest checkout option. This allowed users to make purchases without the need for registration, simplifying the process for first-time customers.
  3. Redesigned User Interface (UI): I collaborated closely with the UI team to redesign the checkout page, ensuring a clean and intuitive layout. This included clear progress indicators, simplified form fields, and a prominent option for guest checkout.
  4. Security Measures: Despite simplifying the process, I made sure that data security remained a top priority. We implemented robust security protocols to safeguard user information during guest checkout and third-party payment processing.

The Results

The transformation of Seetickets' checkout process yielded remarkable results:

  1. Reduced Checkout Taps: The checkout process was streamlined from 12 taps to just 3, resulting in a 75% reduction in user effort.
  2. Increased Conversion Rates: The introduction of guest checkout and seamless mobile payment options led to a 20% increase in conversion rates.
  3. Improved User Satisfaction: User feedback indicated a significant improvement in overall satisfaction with the new checkout process, resulting in higher user retention and repeat business.